Saturday, September 29, 2007

How are you going to dress your pet this Halloween?

With Halloween just around the corner, I've found out that a lot of pet owners spend a pretty good buck on costumes for their pets. How freakin' cute!
Here's pictures of my girlfriend's puppy, Carter, on his first Halloween last year dressing as a Yorkie bee.
As I said, the more I've looked into it, the more I realize how many pet owners ACTUALLY do this. I was walking through Petco just yesterday and noticed they already had the costume shelf up, and fully stocked for this year's ghoulish festival. There were ladybugs, bees, devils, princesses, witches, and superheros strung all over the shelf. And can I make a confession....? I might have actually considered getting one for Carter this year too! Thinkin' the devil costume would fit the little bugger the best.
Send in your own photos of your pet in costume for the next issue of The Scoop, Planet Pets' online monthly newsletter and win! See link below.

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

PDA Approves Drug For Fat Cats... and Dogs!

What's next, Ritalin?
In a related story to my last posting, I came across this new bulletin as well.
Pfizer has been approved to market Slentrol, a liquid formula to help pets maintain a healthy weight, to the estimated 5 percent of U.S. dogs that are 20 percent over their ideal weight.
It seems like their heart's in the right place when the FDA explained this approval by proclaiming that "Overweight pets are more likely to develop heart disease, diabetes and joint problems, according to the government agency." They just want to help is all....
I'm not a huge fan of pharmaceutical drugs and the whole industry, but I know that some good has come out of it over the past 60 some odd years. Whereas I know that this can help some pets that are outrageously overweight, I'd rather stuff some sense down the throats of the owners first. I'm sure that it's not just a "glandular" problem that ole' Poochie is dealing with... more like someone that doesn't know how to say no.....

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Next Fat Epidemic - Your Pet?!

Well according to ABC News, that's exactly it! Just when you thought you could never give too much love to your pet... YOU CAN!
They interviewed this doctor from the UK and I quote, "British TV veterinarian Joe Inglis estimates that 60 percent of pets in the United Kingdom are overweight. "I think it's the biggest health problem affecting our pets," he said." I think that's a bit much! Especially since I know the ridiculous measures these "expert doctors" have invented for us humans, that label a perfectly healthy "weighted" individual - obese. While there is definitely some worthwhile alarm, I just can't get all up in arms about the whole thing enough to really care. What does kill me is seeing how many children as fat as they are. So lob in pets and that makes a gruesome twosome.
Now just when you thought it was a moral issue, apparently you can be charged for animal abuse. Here's a quick example: "When the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) discovered Rusty, an 161-pound Labrador, it took his owners to court. The judge likened poor old Rusty to a walrus, and fined his feeders $2,000." Now that's scary....

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Monday, September 24, 2007

"Take Your Pet To Church" Day... Really?!

Francis of Assisi by Jose De Ribera

Yes sir! Though my title may be a bit crude, every year around this time, October 4th, some Catholic churches celebrate the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi. Though I'm not catholic, for those of you who don't know, St. Francis of Assisi is a patron saint known for his love of all creatures, particularly animals.

The Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi

So in the spirit of Francis of Assisi, Catholic churches will be offering pet-friendly services. Some will be held inside, and some are coordinated for taking place outside. Many Catholic churches will use a prayer developed by the Franciscan religious order, which St. Francis founded. Here's an example of one prayer:

"Blessed are you, Lord God, maker of all living c
reatures. You called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air and animals on the land. You inspired St. Francis to call them his brothers and sisters. We ask you to bless thispet. By the power of your love, enable it to live according to your plan. May we always praise you for all your beauty in creation. Blessed are you, Lord our God, in all your creatures! Amen."

Saint Francis in Prayer, 1580–85, oil on canvas

I had the opportunity, at an early age with a boys choir I sang in, to visit the Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi (shown above) and sing at his tomb/shrine. It was a beautiful and amazing experience. I hope to get back there someday very soon.

For more information, call your local parish.

Who is St. Francis of Assisi?

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Why can't we be more like this dog....

If you're lonely, just look for a random.... piglet? Yep, well it worked for this dog. Living in China had got her depressed (I wouldn't be too happy about it either...), and so the story goes like this..
“She was very depressed for one week, then one night came home with a tiny black piglet following her,” says owner, Lao Yi. Lao Yi says that ever since, Huihu has reared the piglet as if it were her own puppy, nursing her and taking her around. The two have become celebrities in the neighbourhood, attracting many visitors. Lao Yi says that over the course of one month, the piglet has already put on 2kg in weight, drinking only dog milk.
Now that's pretty amazing!

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Newest Addition To Our Planet-Pets Family - Free Pictures of Cats

Even though it's still under construction, is our awesome new addition to the's family.

Featuring high quality, free pictures of cats, is the perfect place for cat lovers to find the best pictures on the Web!

While you're there, join our free "Cat Tales" weekly email updates about the world of cats and receive 10 FREE Kitty eCards!!! Doesn't get any better than that!


Hey everyone!

We've finally put the final touches on September's issue of THE SCOOP,'s monthly online newsletter and have emailed it out to our lucky, and amazing free subscribers.

We're very excited about this newest issue, and are very proud to bring it to you again!

We also wanted to say thank you to the over 400 subscribers we've welcomed over the past 4 months, and look forward to making this pet newsletter the standard for all the rest on the Web!

We enjoy any feedback you can give us, such as your opinions, ideas for articles or interests, issues you may be dealing with with regards to your pet, etc.... PLEASE SHARE WITH US!

To have a look at our September Issue, click then if you like what you read, feel free to join us TOO! We'd love to have you :)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Facebook Profile for your pet?

Why not?

Seems as though, our obsession with making our pets out to be humans has been taken to another level. In just 3 months of being operational, a Facebook profile for your pet has become all the rage. With over 700,000 profiles created in that time, the sites were launched in June by Toronto advertising executive Geoffrey Roche and his computer-whiz son Alexandre, 21, on the popular social networking site Facebook.
To me it seems like a way for people to meet via their pets, which can be a good and bad thing. The marketing angle makes it seem like it's the pets who are cabitzing, but I highly doubt it. With the chance to relate, share stories, and even the occasional "walk" invitation, it seems to me like a way to meet other people. And you know what, I think it's a great idea. Good on them.

Visit our squidoo lenses to find out how to add Dogbook or Catbook to your Facebook profile, and for more information.

Learn more about Dogbook
Learn more about Catbook

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Act Now! Subscribe FREE to PlAnEt PeTs online newsletter, The Scoop! New Edition just about out!

This month's issue of The Scoop is just being polished off and we're getting ready to blow you away with another awesome newsletter!
We've been busy bees this month, searching for the web's hottest stories in the World of Pets, and bring them to you in a way you'll enjoy!
In this issue, we cover such stories as:

  • TV Episode 2!
  • New trends in how to travel with your pet!
  • Helpful tips on how to travel safe or move homes with a pet!
  • A new winner of the "You and Your Pet" contest! Submit your story about your pet and compete to win an awesome pet owner's prize!
  • All the funny videos and cartoons we could find on the Net!
  • Famous Pet related quotes you can use with your friends!
Come join us in the web's most dynamic and fun online pet community at and keep your finger on the pulse by signing up free to The Scoop today

PLANET PETS TV - Episode 2 - Now On Stands Everywhere!

We at are proud to present our second installment of our brand new show, Planet-Pets TV, hosted by none other than Me :), Brandon James and Amanda Fruta. This episode continues on the topics we discussed with dog owners at the Huntington Dog Beach, a beautiful 3/4 mile stretch of Ocean front dedicated to dogs. We found out some interesting things about personal experiences with the pet food recall, how to get your dog trained to become a therapy dog, and about how rescues work. Check it out!

Video: Planet-Pets TV Episode 2

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Is Corporate Going to The Dogs too?

It is in this office! Hill's Pet Nutrition Inc. is a company that walks the talk -- and the dog too. At the company's site in Hertfordshire, Britain, several dogs can often be found in the office. Walking into the LA based advertising company TBWA\Chiat\Day, you would find both 2 legged and 4 legged employees running around. There might be 40 to 50 dogs -- compared with 850 people -- in the company's largest office at any time.

"If it is practical it can be a great benefit," says Ziela Haider, a spokeswoman for Blue Cross, an animal welfare charity in Britain. "Dogs really do reduce stress. We have a part-time office dog and spending a few minutes stroking him lets you take a mental break." They also found that many employees spend longer hours at work, knowing that their dog is beneath their desk where they can care for them.

While I can definitely see the benefits of having the wonderful energy of pets around in the office, I can also relate to the other side of this debate that feels as though they are a distraction. It's not hard to imagine that. I guess my thoughts and feelings tend to go to a larger debate that I have which is how we North Americans 'live to work' and not 'work to live.' I see this step to include our amazing bond with domesticated animals as one step closer to the latter. So I'm all for it... allergies included ;)

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'Idol' Carrie Underwood Does Gulf Benefit Concert For Katrina Relief

"American Idol" winner Carrie Underwood, and the other eight Idol finalists closed their summer concert tour with a benefit for Hurricane Katrina relief.

The American Red Cross will benefit from Sunday's sold-out crowd of 6,000 that paid $35 to $45 for a seat at the War Memorial at Oncenter, as the Idols wound up a tour of 43 cities in 62 days.

"It's a very happy thing that we're doing to help people," Underwood said. "When (executive producer) Simon Fuller suggested the idea of putting on a special charity concert to help those in need, I and all the Idols on tour were happy to help."

Underwood, of Checotah, Okla., said she would donate the revenues from her merchandise sales at the benefit concert to the Humane Society of the United States to help pets stranded in the hurricane region.

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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Dog Walking - Friend or Enemy?

Well apparently "Big Bird" organizations are out to get their natural rival, the dog. Apparently some stupid professor from the University of New South Wales has "published" (and I use that terms lightly) an in-depth study into how dog walking, or the vicinity of dogs has a devastating effect of the presence of natural bird wildlife.

His experiments show that dog-walking causes more than 40 per cent reduction in bird abundance and more than 35 per cent reduction in bird diversity in woodlands, even if the pets are kept on a lead. I say DUH!!!!!! What the heck do you expect when a bird gets around a dog? They fly away. But for Pete's sake, they come back! For anyone with large trees on their property like mine, I wish that a dog in the backyard would keep those bloody sparrow away for good. I'm tired of cleaning up the excess amounts of bird dung left all over the ground.
Seriously! I'm beginning to think that becoming a tenured professor is an easier and more "lax" job than flipping burgers and dealing with people's custom orders each day.
I don't even want to know how much money he so blatantly wasted on this study. Get real....

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Leona Helmsley's former housekeeper is preparing to sue Helmsley's dog, Trouble, for 6 million pounds for biting her. She had previously tried to sue for the bite incident Ms. Helmsley but was unsuccessful. She still wears a brace on her right hand due to the injury she suffered.
Obviously the fact that what sounds like to me a little hellion is making out with a better inheritance from her owner than ANYONE in the extended family has got some backs up. I've never known it to happen, but not only will Trouble be in lots of it, need a lawyer, but apparently also Helmsley's brother, who inherited Trouble, does not want her.

On another note, let me give Trouble a bit of advice... check into the Hilton on their pet friendly policy, pay $90 a stay and enjoy the free treats...

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It's Official! We Love Pets More Than....

Yep you got it! With all of the current news out surrounding animals, and our love for them, it's just blatantly obvious that while we can stomach the images of war, starvation and death on the newscast every night, it's a heart wrenching affair to hear about the mistreatment of animals. In fact it's just gone TOO FAR!
Almost two thirds of homes in America own a pet. This year's estimated money spent in the pet industry is a whopping 41 billion dollars, up from a measly 38.5 billion last year! According to Bob Vetere, the president of the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association, 42 percent of pets sleep in the same bed as their owners - up from 34 percent in 1998.
I'm pretty sure I can guess where Leona Helmsley's 12 million dollar pup Trouble slept......

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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

"I'm sorry for what I've done...."

The saga and epic downfall of Michael Vick continues... After having refuted any involvement with the alleged dog fighting on his Virginia compound, M. Vick has now coughed up the goods and pleaded guilty. Just in time to find Jesus and seek forgiveness for what he's done.
I don't know what's worse? Being now looked at as a monster by most Americans? Being suspended indefinitely from the Falcons and having them litigate you for the 20 some odd million dollars in bonuses they paid you on your $130 million dollar contract? (That hurts to even think about... what an idiot) Or having to spend the possibility of 5 years in prison?
I just can't seem to find a soft spot for this guy. He had it all - was living the dream. Then he went too far and now it's ALL gone. I just can't summon any sympathy.
Can't you blame me?

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Spot... Enjoy Your Stay With Us Here At.....

The Hilton?
Yep, you guessed it. The Hilton has now implemented across their worldwide chain a pet friendly policy. Recognizing that pets have become a very important part of their customer's family lives, the Hilton now allows dogs and cats under the weight of 34kgs to stay at their hotels. With a fee of $90 per stay, your fuzzy buddy will receive a bowl, bed, and treats to enjoy during their stay. A $500 deposit per stay is also taken against any possible extra clean up or repairs.
Pretty sweet!

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Saturday, September 1, 2007

It's All Gone To The Dogs....

Leona Helmsley, a well-known hotelier and real estate billionaire, died last month and has left her white Maltese a $12 million dollar trust fund to make sure that "continue to live an opulent life, and then be buried alongside her in a mausoleum." Now if I was one of her children or grandchildren, I'd being cursing the aptly named puppy, "Trouble," and wondering what it was that made her go to such great lengths.

"I direct that when my dog, Trouble, dies, her remains shall be buried next to my remains in the Helmsley mausoleum," Helmsley wrote in her will. Helmsley died earlier this month at her Connecticut home. She became known as a symbol of 1980s greed and earned the nickname "the Queen of Mean" after her 1988 indictment and subsequent conviction for tax evasion. One employee had quoted her as snarling, "Only the little people pay taxes."
I think that's hilarious! Unfortunately, I was only 8 years old at the time of her trial, but honestly?.... the Queen of Mean. This lady must have been a real piece of work!
I guess Trouble really cashed in... good for you little guy... good for you...
Hey, Trouble?... got a few thousand dollars you could spare ;)