Thursday, May 3, 2007

It's a dog's life?... It sure is!

It's funny that I've always known this, and I'm not particularly sure of why or from where. But I've always known this mantra of "people are willing to spend more on their pets than they do on themselves." And it's true, isn't it?!
Not meaning to toot my own horn or anything, but not only am I the official "blogmeister" and editor of "The Scoop", our fantastic newsletter (shameless self promotion - enter here), but I'm also involved with our advertising division. Because we want to have a high standard of quality of services offered here on our site to better serve you, our insanely devoted, loyal, and most cherished readers, I've sorted through a lot of different businesses to find the ones we think are worth your while. And I've noticed something once again. People will spend a fortune on their pets! Check this out!
You want to buy a Swarovski pearl or crystal collar for your pet? No problem! For a mere $50, your cat will look as hot as Paris Hilton walking down a red carpet. Want your pet to enjoy a "Furcedes" bed, "A Furrari" pillow bed, or (and this is my favourite) a "Sniffany & Co" doggie bed? SURE! Just pony up $129.95, and your pet is pimped out, blinged out, and relaxing with the best that this world can offer. Not to mention, spa treatments, hairstyling, and massage! The world is literally your pets oyster. I've even heard of pet owners arranging "doggie dates" for their pets to meet in leash-free areas all around the city. I mean how is Rex supposed to keep up with all his girlfriends if he didn't have you as his personal social coordinator?! Hahahahahaha.. I just can't help but laugh.
But all these things said, isn't that what pets are for? Don't we get them so we can spoil them to death? Because let's face it, even if we spoil them their whole lives, they're never going to grow up and expect a pony for their 16th birthday, a new car when they get their license to drive, or help out with a down payment on school or a house...
It's definitely a dog's life...

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