Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Menu Foods, Inc. thinks it'll survive, while other US Stock Feed go under the scope...

The legend continues....
Late in May, Menu Foods, Inc. confidently pronounced that they, as a company, will survive this fallout from the recall. Due to company assets and increased lines of credit of over 20 million US dollars, Chief Executive Paul Henderson said on a conference call that they are sure that Menu Foods, Inc. will weather this storm.
You know... He's probably right. But I'm not happy about it. Once again, just to bring in the REAL focus in this story, even though Menu Foods was the company that manufactured the foods, they weren't actually at fault for the tainting of the wheat gluten additive. That responsibility lies squarely on the shoulders of our beloved cheap labor, Capitalist-Communist partners, China. The fault for not properly testing the gluten before using it to manufacture the food is where Menu Foods screwed the whole thing up. I, for one, am hoping that this will begin to revolutionize the industry as a whole and make even the "big guys" sit up and realize that it's in their best interest to provide high quality, healthy, REAL food for their clients, America's pets. Because if there's one thing I know about the American market after having watched millions of American's buy a $5 cup of coffee everyday at Starbucks, it's that we are willing to pay whatever price is brought to bare, so long as the value is there. So go ahead "Big guys!" Raise the bar on pet foods, rather than constantly trying to cut corners and offer the lowest possible CRAP.
Another noteworthy story that's surfaced recently is how melamine is being used as a binding agent inside of feed fed to our livestock. Now granted, the industry and US Officials alike insist that it is used in such small quantities that it could not harm the fish or livestock it is being fed to, but you have to think about how all these things are being introduced into the food chain. After all, this is the very food we are feeding ourselves and our children.
I'm just growing tired of all this spinning of stories and heavy handed media "calming." I'm just not convinced that it's all so easy to take when it seems that while the lifespan of the population may be getting longer, I'm not seeing more people living longer, healthier lives. It's just not clicking with me....


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Anonymous said...

Brandon, you seem to have a knack for covering just the right topic at just the right time.

Just when I begin to wonder what the latest news is about the pet food recall, you go on and post the latest news!

I am thankful to www.planet-pets.com and to you for bringing your service to the pet-loving world.

Jim Grimes

Brandon James said...

Well stick with us Jim!
It's our purpose to keep our readers up to date with the best possible, quality information with regards to the pet world, especially the pet food recall, as it is still simmering.
Thank you on behalf of the Planet-Pets.com team and myself for spending your time and placing your trust with us.
The Planet-Pets.com Team
Brandon, Dave, Dan, and Mike