Friday, July 18, 2008

Funny Videos: YouTube: Simon's Cat Tv Dinner

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Monday, July 14, 2008

Pet Grooming Tips from Experts!

Want the secrets of pet stylists?

Here are some tips from some of the top pet groomers to give you an idea of how you can get that "fresh from the salon" look for your pets.

* How often should I bathe my dog?

Almost everything we do with or to our pets should be carefully considered along with what breed it is, but commonly a pet should be bathed every 6 weeks, more than that and you can leave the dogs hair and skin dry.

* Is it OK to bathe the dog outside with the garden hose?

Would you like to get washed with a garden hose? Give them a nice luke warm wash in a tub. And always keep the water out of their ears, and don't spray them in the face. Always wipe down their face with a wet cloth, and do the rest of the body with a sprayer.

* Do I have to use a special shampoo for my pet, or can I just use my own shampoo?

DO NOT use human shampoo on a pet. Keep in mind that anything you put on a pet's coat goes in their mouth because they lick themselves. There's dog shampoo for a reason.

* Is it OK to dry my pet after a bath with my hair dryer?

Only if you keep is far away and at a very low level. Be very careful not to burn them.

* Can I just let the sun dry the dog without using a dryer?

If it's hot outside why not? A good rule of thumb is if you would be comfortable drying off in a wet t-shirt outside-don't make your dog do something you couldn't stand.

* Does my dog really need conditioners or finishing sprays?

If you're talking about a NEED and not a WANT, then no, finishing sprays are not a need, but conditioner is. Think of it as lotion, and how much damage can happen to skin when it's not moisturized for long periods of time.

* How often should I bathe my cat?

Lucky for all cat owners, cats clean themselves, so if your kitty is has a clean bill of health it should have no problem taking care of the hygiene issue. However, as they get older they're going to start needing more help.

Remember, cats are not dogs, so bathes aren't so important as brushing is. Brushing distributes the cat's natural oils evenly. Depending on whether you cat is a short hair or long hair, brush it once or a couple times of week.

* What's the best way to give a cat a bath?

Did you know that cats really aren't scared of water? It's the SOUND of the water that freaks them out. So try to gently cup the water over them until they're fully wet ( loud splashing note allowed).

Now that you know some of the tricks of the trade, prepare with a well-stocked home pet grooming kit: remember, depending on whether you have a dog or cat you may not need all the things listed here.

* Slicker brush: An all-purpose brush with wiry teeth that's ideal for brushing most dogs' coats between visits to a professional groomer.

* Nail clippers or nail grinder

* FURminator tool and de-shedding shampoo and solution: The FURminator de-shedding tool removes loose hair and undercoat. The shampoo and solution help loosen the undercoat for easier removal. (Note: The FURminator is not recommended for use with all dog breeds, including many terriers, or naturally curly-haired breeds such as poodles and bichons.)

* Shedding comb: A comb that penetrates into the undercoat to loosen mats and to collect loose top hairs.

* Bristle brush: For finishing; a soft brush that stimulates the skin and helps distribute oils evenly.

* Flea comb: Small comb with fine teeth to trap fleas.

* Toothbrush and toothpaste: Dogs will appreciate the beef- or chicken-flavor toothpaste made just for them.

* Dog shampoo and conditioner: Make sure to get products made just for dogs, with appropriate pH-levels for canine skin.

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

New Technology by Eureka for Pet Owners

So you want to have some fun in the sun while your cat stays at home? Of course, like any responsible pet owner you get someone to look after your cat, pet it, feed it, make sure there's water in their bowl, but do you ever ask a pet-sitter to vaccuum while you're away?

Chances are probably not, so while you still have a healthy little kitty you now also have a huge furball that used to be your home. That's exactly why Eureka will be introducing the Boss 4D Pet Fresh Vacuum. A 25 pound high-powered upright with rubber teethed "Pet Power Paw" power brush to removing pet hair from furniture AND a sealed HEPA filter removes 99.97 percent of dander and dust with Arm & Hammer baking soda embedded into the vacuum's filter helps combat pet smells.

Definetely a high-end product--with a high end price: $125

Sound worth it?

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Monday, July 7, 2008

CBS New Reality TV Show: Greatest American Dog

The new reality show on CBS "Greatest American Dog" has proud pet owners of all different background competing for a cash prize of $250,000. These owners include an owner with a degree in zoology, a bartender, a dog trainer ( there was bound to be one in the cast) a film producer, an apparel designer.. and the list goes on and one!

It's definitely nice to know that great animals don't have to be trained by world renowned trainers, who dedicate their lives to animals. Most of the contestants are just enthusiastic pet owners, which gives the show a nice little edge.

Don't forget to tune into the premiere on Thursday, July 10, 8pm et/p

However, I do think the dog trainer has an unfair advantage over the other contestants.

What do you think?

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Thursday, July 3, 2008

4th of July!!!... almost is a great place to go if you're looking to buy a pet, they also give some great advice on how to keep your pet safe and calm during the fireworks this year:

  • Keep your pets indoors with the windows closed and air conditioner running or a radio on to help mask out as much noise as possible.
  • Allow your pets the freedom to seek refuge under the bed, behind the toilet or in the back of the closet without dragging them out to stroke them and murmur "it's okay." For many animals, that well-meant reassurance is the first step in establishing a serious phobia.
  • If your pet gets especially stressed or your neighborhood is particularly noisy, you may wish to talk to your veterinarian about the practicality of using tranquilizers or homeopathic remedies such as rock rose, mimulus or rescue remedy. In severe cases, you might consider sending your pet to a nice quiet country boarding kennel for the worst of it.

Have a good one!!

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

New Technology To Control Barking Dogs

This definitely sounds like an interesting new idea...

Ispwich City Council has moved for a new collar, that records the time and frequency of its wearer's barks, to be included in council by-laws. This happened after receiving up to 1,000 per year complaints about barking dogs.

With these collars, it will no longer be a case of she-said-he-said, and provide concrete proof of whether the barking is a nuisance, or if a neighbor is being overly sensitive.

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